Evaluating the impact of artificial intelligence-assisted image analysis on the diagnostic accuracy in detecting fractures on plain X-rays (FRACT-AI protocol)
Novak A, Hollowday M, Espinosa Morgado AT, Oke J, Shelmerdine S, Woznitza N, Metcalfe D, Costa ML, Wilson S, Kiam JS, Vaz J, Limphaibool N, Ventre J, Jones D, Greenhalgh L, Gleeson F, Welch N, Mistry A, Devic N, Teh J, Ather S. -
Radiographic detection of post-traumatic bone fractures: contribution of artificial intelligence software to the analysis of senior and junior radiologists
Dell’Aria A., Tack D., Saddiki N., Makdoud S., Alexiou J., De Hemptinne F. X., Berkenbaum I., Neugroschl C., Tacelli N. -
Diagnostic power of ChatGPT 4 in distal radius fracture detection through wrist radiographs
Mert S., Stoerzer P., Brauer J., Fuchs B., Haas-Lützenberger E. M., Demmer W., Giunta R. E., Nuernberger T. -
AI-Assisted X-ray Fracture Detection in Residency Training: Evaluation in Pediatric and Adult Trauma Patients
Meetschen, M., Salhöfer L., Beck, N., Kroll, L., Ziegenfu, C. D., Schaarschmidt, B. M., Forsting, M., Mizan, S., Umutlu, S., Hosch, R., Nensa, F. & Haubold, J. -
AI-based X-ray fracture analysis of the distal radius: accuracy between representative classification, detection and segmentation deep learning models for clinical practice
Russe M. F., Rebmann P., Tran P.H., Kellner E., Reisert M., Bamberg F., Kotter E., Kim S. -
Artificial intelligence effectivity in fracture detection
Boginskis V., Zadoroznijs S., Cernavska I., Beikmane D., Sauka J. -
Artifcial intelligence‐based detection of paediatric appendicular skeletal fractures: performance and limitations for common fracture types and locations
Irmhild Altmann‐Schneider · Christian J. Kellenberger · Sarah‐Maria Pistorius · Camilla Saladin · Debora Schäfer · Nidanur Arslan · Hanna L. Fischer · Michelle Seiler -
Commercially-available AI algorithm improves radiologists’ sensitivity for wrist and hand fracture detection on X-ray, compared to a CT-based ground truth
Jacques, T., Cardot, N., Ventre, J. et al.